Student Learning

Completing Year 12 is essential for a young person’s social, personal and career development. As such, the foundation of our programs is a Northern Territory Certificate of Education (NTECT).

All College students undertake a combination of NTCET subjects and Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualifications, which develop their industry-specific skills and contribute credits towards their Year 12 Certificate.


SEDA College students engage in curriculum that enhance learning through their interest in sport and recreation. We design our curriculum in collaboration with our industry partners so that students develop the knowledge, skills and attributes of current industry professionals.

We aim to bring out the best in our students by focusing on key elements that define our unique approach.

Below is the list of subjects students will be enrolled in per year level.

Northern Territory Certificate of Education and Training (NTCET)

All College students undertake subjects that allow them to obtain their Northern Territory Certificate of Education and Training (NTCET) qualification. The NTCET is overseen by the South Australian Curriculum of Education (SACE) and is also known as the Year 12 Certificate.

NTCET subjects, combined with the VET certificates allow our students to obtain the 200 credits required to obtain their NTCET certificate.

All curriculum is designed with engagement the priority, with subject topics largely focusing on sport and post-school relevant skills.

In Year 10 students are enrolled in the following subjects:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Indigenous Studies
  • Physical Education
  • Personal Learning Plan

In Year 11 students are enrolled in the following subjects:

  • English (Semester 1)
  • English (Semester 2)
  • Mathematics
  • Health and Wellbeing

Subjects as required.

Our students get a head start in their careers through our structured Work Placement. This hands-on learning experience occurs one day a week. Students gain an in-depth understanding of the duties they might be expected to perform in the workplace, and they will acquire the skills that prospective employers need and want in their employees.

MyPlan is a digital portfolio that supports students to track their individual goals, achievements, experiences, and growth during their time at SEDA College. Underpinning MyPLAN are the Transferable Work Skills and Personal Habits, which have been identified as important attributes, attitudes, and mindsets to develop in order to succeed at SEDA and beyond.

Development of the MyPLAN portfolio, and the Transferable Work Skills and Personal Habits, is supported with timetabled MyPLAN sessions in class and regular MyPLAN meetings between teachers, parents, and students. 

The five Transferable Work Skills we believe are essential for student development are: 

  • Problem Solving 
  • Personal Organisation 
  • Self-Awareness 
  • Communication 
  • Teamwork

Vocational Education and Training (VET)

During Years 10, 11, and 12, students are enrolled with SEDA Group (RTO Provider: 22503) for your VET qualifications^. Students will develop the skills and attributes needed to teach sport skills to a wide variety of people. By accessing industry partners, students will gain a greater understanding of coaching, leadership and event management.

* SEDA Group (RTO No 22503) is responsible for the training and assessment of VET qualifications and responsible for the issuance of AQF certification documents. SEDA College NT Limited provides training and assessment services, individual support services, collection of fees and recruitment of prospective learners for VET qualifications on SEDA Group’s behalf.

^ Qualifications are subject to change and subject to student’s meeting SEDA Group’s eligibility criteria for enrolment into qualifications. 

In Year 10 students are enrolled in the SIS20321 Certificate II in Sport Coaching and will undertake the following areas of study containing a variety of units of competency:

  • Community Coaching
  • Coaching Industry
  • Emergency Situations
  • First Aid
  • Foundation Coaching

In Year 11 students are enrolled in the SIS30115 Certificate III in Sport and Recreation and will undertake the following areas of study containing a variety of units of competency:

  • Emergency Situations
  • Developing Coaching Resources
  • First Aid
  • Intermediate Coaching
  • Leadership in Sport
  • Managing Sporting Programs
  • Managing Workplace Safety
  • Professional Development

In Year 12 students are enrolled in the SIS40115 Certificate IV in Sport and Recreation and will undertake the following areas of study containing a variety of units of competency:

  • Active Engagement
  • Community Projects
  • Emergency Situations
  • First Aid
  • ICT
  • Managing Diversity
  • Peak Performance
  • Sporting Schools Programs
  • WHS and Law
  • Work Skills

Students will immerse themselves within their local community and promote sport, fitness and general health through the implementation of programs specifically tailored for a wide range of participants. They develop
a greater understanding and appreciation of diversity as they learn to collaborate and problem solve in different and sometime challenging environments.

Our teachers, while being experienced educators, also have a broad range of professional skills and excellent theoretical and practical grounding. 

Our ‘one teacher’ to ‘one class’ model allows our teachers to take on a true mentoring approach, where they walk alongside and support the individual journey of our students as they complete their secondary education.  Mentor-style relationships are formed between teachers and students through their shared passions and interests. This mutual connection enhances the bond our students have with their class and the school as a whole. 

During each classroom activity, students are supported by our Education Support Officers (Teachers Aide/Inclusion Support Assistant) in addition to our Teachers. Student’s also have access to the College’s year level Coordinator, Wellbeing Coordinator, Education Engagement & NCCD Coordinator, Indigenous Engagement Coordinator and other relevant staff during the academic year.

Our staff also work in close collaboration with industry experts from our partner organisations, delivering hands-on learning and creating meaningful workplace connections. 

Read more about our teachers and staff here.

Students undertake Years 10, 11, and 12 five days a week, completing a timetable that will look similar to the one shown below.

Up to three days a week, students complete the classroom-based component of their NTCET and VET qualifications. The other two days of the week focus on practical, and industry-based learning activities. This allows students to work towards completion of their senior secondary certificate and VET qualifications. 







Session 1 



Community Work Day


Structured Workplace Learning 

Session 2 



Community Work Day


Structured Workplace Learning 

Session 3 



Community Work Day


Structured Workplace Learning 

learning Environment

Students will have access to a team of experienced teachers and support staff for learning, sport, wellbeing, and career guidance. They are experts in their field, helping students to develop their individual passions and achieve success.

Our teachers, while being experienced educators, also have a broad range of professional skills and excellent theoretical and practical grounding. 

Our teachers will walk alongside and support the individual journey of our students as they complete their secondary education. SEDA College teachers are experts in developing and maintaining positive teacher student relationships. Mentor-style relationships are formed between teachers and students through their shared passions and interests. This mutual connection enhances the bond our students have with their class and the school as a whole. 

Our staff also work in close collaboration with industry experts from our partner organisations, delivering hands-on learning and creating meaningful workplace connections. 

Read more about our teachers and staff here. 

Students undertake Years 10, 11, and 12 five days a week, completing a timetable that will look similar to the one shown below.

Up to three days a week, students complete the classroom-based component of their NTCET and VET qualifications. The other two days of the week focus on practical, and industry-based learning activities. This allows students to work towards completion of their senior secondary certificate and VET qualifications. 







Session 1 



Community Work Day


Structured Workplace Learning 

Session 2 



Community Work Day


Structured Workplace Learning 

Session 3 



Community Work Day


Structured Workplace Learning 

Download a copy of our College Guide to learn more

Information Session

Learn how we empower minds & embrace each student's passion

Tuesday 13th August 2024

Michael Long Learning and Leadership Centre at TIO Stadium