Enrolment FAQs

SEDA College NT students get a head start in their careers through a range of community initiatives and structured work experience.

Can I remain enrolled at my current school and come to SEDA?

No, all students leave their current school to attend SEDA College NT. SEDA College NT is a registered independent senior secondary school. Discover more here.

Can I still complete further study or go to university?

SEDA College NT graduates can continue further education by undertaking a course at a variety of external institutions. They also have the opportunity to apply for university upon completion of Year 12 or Year 11. More information can be found on our Pathways page

Do I need an ATAR to go to university?

No, you don't need an ATAR to go to university. By completing a Certificate III or above, students will meet the minimum entry requirements for most undergraduate courses. More information can be found on our Pathways page.

How can I obtain further information?

Download our College Guide, attend an Information Session or search our website for more information. Additionally, our friendly Admissions Team is also here to help. Call 1300 337 332 or email info@sedacollege.nt.edu.au.

How do I get into SEDA?

Refer to our Enrolment and Student Eligibility information on our website.

How do I travel to my classroom venue or the other activities?

Students travel to classrooms and other venues via public transport. The College aims to develop students’ independence, confidence, and time management skills; independent travel is part of this self-development.

How do I prepare for an interview?

In preparation for an interview, we encourage applicants to prepare to answer questions about:

  • Hobbies, work and interests outside of school
  • Future aspirations (employment and/or further study after Year 12)
  • Reasons for wanting to attend our College
  • Current school behaviour, punctuality and presentation
  • Leadership/responsibilities and communication skills
  • Conflict resolution
  • Independence
  • Preferred teaching and learning style
  • Current or past teaching and learning support
  • Current or past emotional, behavioural and social support
    How do you source your work experience?

    Students are responsible for sourcing their own work experience placement with the assistance of their teacher and education support staff. SEDA College NT will provide students with key information regarding workplace skills and securing a placement. Students may complete their placement in the sports, recreation, building, and construction industries or in other industries of their interest. More information can be found on our Student and Caregivers page.

    How does SEDA College work?

    The SEDA model places student interest at the forefront of their senior secondary education, alongside a practical connection to industry. Students are enrolled fulltime in senior secondary school where they undertake their NTCET (Northern Territory Certificate of Education and Training) with the College. More information can be found on our Education Philosophy page.

    How many students attend SEDA College?

    In 2024, 159 students commenced in educational programs at SEDA College NT.

    How much does SEDA College NT cost?

    Student fees and details on what they cover can be found can be found on our Fees page.

    Is SEDA College a private school?

    SEDA College NT is commonly referred to as a private school however we’re an Independent Senior Secondary School. The College is a member of the Association of Independent Schools of the Northern Territory.

    Is SEDA College a sport school?

    SEDA College NT places student interest at the forefront of their senior secondary education. Therefore, students engage in a curriculum that enhances learning through their interests in sports, recreation, building, and construction. We design our curriculum in collaboration with our sporting partners so that students develop the knowledge, skills and attributes of current industry professionals. More information can be found on our About Us page.

    What does a regular week look like?

    Students attend SEDA five days a week. Up to three days a week, students complete the classroom-based component of their qualifications. The other two days of the week focus on practical, and industry-based learning activities. This allows students to work towards completion of their senior secondary certificate, as well as vocational qualifications. More information can be found on our Learning page.

    What does SEDA stand for?

    Prior to the SEDA College NT being established, SEDA originally stood for Sports Education and Development Australia.

    Where is SEDA College NT located?

    Classrooms are located in local community settings to maximise student learning and deliver industry-based experiences. These venues are fully equipped with all the infrastructure required for a classroom setting, allowing students to complete theory-based learning as well as practical activities. More information can be found on our Learning page.

    Excellent school, great opportunity for the children to learn a different style of schooling and one that keeps them engaged.

    — 2024 SEDA College NT Caregiver via Semester 1 Caregiver Survey