Student Eligibility
All staff are invested in unlocking each student's potential as they guide them on their pathway to success.
To apply for a position at SEDA College NT, the following eligibility requirements are to be met.
Selection into the College is based on an applicant’s ability to meet the following selection criteria:
- Demonstrate the capability to be independent learners and study in a flexible learning model.
- Demonstrate a level of maturity to manage unsupervised work, travel, and learning tasks.
- Demonstrate suitability to an applied and real-life learning environment.
- Demonstrate relevant and appropriate educational attainment, capabilities, aspirations, and interests.
- Showcase behaviours, effort, punctuality, presentation, and assessment that meet satisfactory/standard/acceptable levels, as evaluated at their current school.
- At a minimum of 75% attendance at current school (special consideration is considered for extenuating circumstances).
- Demonstrate the ability to complete the relevant qualification.
- Demonstrate suitable language, literacy, and numeracy (LLN) levels (this may be assessed via an online assessment)
- Current or past work experiences in construction and/or trade (criteria applicable for the Construction and Trade Program)
The College strives to maximise opportunities for access, participation, and outcomes for all students and is committed to treating all applicants on the same basis. As such, the College encourages the applicant or caregiver to disclose information and provide documentation about an applicant’s individual needs, these needs being but not limited to an applicant’s:
- Disability;
- Special needs;
- Wellbeing needs; and/or
- any other individual needs.
The College is committed to assessing and providing reasonable adjustments (where doing so would not cause unjustifiable hardship to the College) for individual needs in consultation with the applicant and their caregivers to assist the applicant in undertaking services offered if accepted.
Applications for enrolment are assessed against a set selection criterion and eligibility requirements relevant to each year level. Successfully demonstrating capacity to meet all criteria does not guarantee entry into the College. The College may contact the applicant’s current school to assist with the assessment of their application. Students currently enrolled at the College will be given first preference if they wish to enrol in the Construction and Trade Program for Year 11. More information can be found in our Student Enrolment Policy.
To apply for a position at the College, the applicant must meet the below eligibility criteria:
- Reside in the Northern Territory;
- Have Australian citizenship, permanent residency or a valid visa to study in Australia;
- Eligible for a Working with Children Check (Once age criteria is met);
- Aged 14 – 17 years old* upon commencement with the College or meet criteria set out below for mature age student applicants; and
- Successfully complete or have completed Year 9 or equivalent for entry into Year 10, or
- Successfully complete or have completed Year 10 or equivalent for entry into Year 11, or
- Successfully complete or have completed Year 11 or equivalent for entry into Year 12.
*Applicants under 14 years old will be assessed for eligibility on a case-by-case basis. Mature age applicants are people 18 years of age or older who have not been enrolled in a school for the preceding 12 months. Mature age applicants must comply with special enrolment conditions as stated in the College’s Student Enrolment Policy.
To apply for a position at the College, the applicant must provide the following eligibility evidence:
- Most recent school report
- Contact details for one current school contact (current teacher or coordinator) who can speak to your learning behaviours, attitude, skills, knowledge, and experiences
- Contact details for one workplace or personal contact who can speak about your attitude, effort, coachability/teachability, skills, knowledge and experiences
- Any assistance plans such as:
- Educational Assistance Plan
- Individual Learning Plan
- Student Needs Profile
- Behavioural Plan
- Diagnosis / Treatment Plans
- Transition Plan
- Safety Plan
- Assessments from Educational Psychologist, OT, Speech or any other specialist
- Medical information about the diagnosis
- Other documentation as requested to demonstrate competence for the selection criteria.
During the Interview stage, applicants will be requested to provide at least one of the following for sighting:
- A birth certificate issued by the relevant Australian State government authority (extracts and commemorative certificates cannot be accepted) OR
- A valid Australian or New Zealand passport (must be valid) OR
- A naturalisation certificate OR
- An Australian permanent residency visa OR
- A green Medicare card PLUS a current driver's license/learner's permit.
To enrol at the College, applicants must provide anImmunisation History Statement, which can be attained on the child's MyGov account or the Express Plus Medicare mobile app.
If an applicant is older than 14, caregivers can get their immunisation history statements with their consent. You can call the Australian Immunisation Register and ask us for a copy. Your child must speak to the service officer to verify their identity before we can do this.
More Information:
- Medicare online account help - Get an immunisation history statement
- How to get an Immunisation History Record
If you have any issues with accessing an applicant's Immunisation History Statement, please contact Services Australia directly.
The College is committed to ensuring privacy of applicant (student) and caregiver details provided. Refer to our Privacy Policy for more information.
My child has felt supported and understood by teachers at SEDA which isn't something he has experienced at other schools.
— 2023 SEDA College NT Caregiver via Semester 2 Caregiver Survey