School Community Feedback

At SEDA College we celebrate success and share feedback with everyone

SEDA College encourages and seeks out feedback from its school community to better understand and appreciate what our key stakeholders are experiencing. This feedback helps drive the College’s future strategic direction. Below is feedback from our current student's caregivers at the College.

We want to extend our heartfelt thanks for the incredible impact, Mickayla has had on Cooper's schooling so far this year. The positive changes we've seen both at home and at school are remarkable. Mickayla’s ability to communicate effectively and build a strong rapport with Cooper has made all the difference. He thrives in the supportive and engaging environment she has created.

Mickayla’s dedication and passion for teaching shine through in every interaction, and we are grateful for the genuine care and attention she provides. We thank Mickayla for being such an amazing teacher and for making this year an exceptional one for Cooper. - Jody Hayes, Caregiver, Feedback via email 18/06/2024

Jack has really loved being at SEDA and I am thankful to have my Jack back. He’s really struggled at school the last few years, was disengaged and was often a target for bullies. Getting him to school is so easy as he loves going every day. I now have a child planning to go to Year 12 instead of getting out of school as fast as he can. - Vicki Trathen, Caregiver, Feedback via email 4/09/2024

Thank you, Erin, for being a guiding light for my son these past two years. We have all appreciated your positive, can-do attitude and the support you have provided my son to assist him with completing his final years of High School. From a parent's perspective, it has been great partnering with you to give him the best chance to succeed in his studies. – Donna Westaway, Parent, Feedback via Email 7/06/2024

Tom's is certainly one in a million. He has great teaching abilities, and his remarkable patience shines through in his work. Even in the face of challenges, such as motivating Gracie, he shows kindness and a caring nature. His understanding of her needs shows his dedication. It's clear that Gracie holds Tom in high regard as a teacher, a testament to their positive and supportive relationship. – Sarah Fowler, Caregiver, Feedback via email 17/06/2024

I would like to thank Kate the Wellbeing Coordinator for being so kind and approachable. She has been there with a kind heart, a listening ear, and provides good advice for Jade in times of need. We really appreciate the wonderful person that she is. Also, to Sue, Barny and Tara for always being there for Jade in her times of struggle. We really do appreciate the support SEDA provides, and all the help Jade receives for her schooling.

All the staff at SEDA are just wonderful people. Jade often mentions how at ease she feels around everyone because they are so approachable and down–to–earth, not to mention respectful. It makes for a much happier school environment as we believe respect should always go both ways between teachers and students, and Jade definitely feels respected here at SEDA College. A huge thank you to everyone at SEDA College! - Kelly McGimpsey 17/06/2024

Caregiver Survey

Twice per year, caregivers are asked five questions via an online survey as well as provided the opportunity to comment. This short and user-friendly approach has been taken to increase engagement and attempt to maintain strong response rates. Comments from our surveys are used as testimonials on our website in addition to our review processes. The below results are from caregivers where the questions are rated on a scale of 1 to 7, with 1 being ‘never’.

Caregiver Questions Semester 1 2022 Semester 2 2022 Semester 1 2023 Semester 2 2023
My child's teacher puts a lot of energy into teaching my child
SEDA is preparing students well for their future
My teacher understands my child and knows them well
My teacher makes regular contact with me
I feel like my child is happy to be at SEDA this year