Teaching Model

At SEDA College NT, we change students’ lives by developing real-skills and preparing them for a successful future.

SEDA College NT embraces a more applied, active, hands-on approach to learning, which can often better meet the needs of many young people when compared to more traditional forms of teaching.

In the Classroom

Our ‘one teacher’ to ‘one class’ model allows our teachers to take on a true mentoring approach, where they walk alongside and support the individual journey of our students as they complete their senior secondary education.

This integrated learning experience enables time for a teacher to really understand the student as an individual and develop positive relationships with students and their families. In the classroom, this teacher – student relationship is based on a shared passion or interest. The teacher will communicate regularly with the student’s family and is the primary point of contact for student needs during their education at the College.

In collaboration with teachers and caregivers, our Student Support Team engages with students requiring additional support in and outside of the classroom. They provide a range of services including educational, wellbeing, cultural, and behavioural support.

Community Work Day

The College works with our industry partners to deliver sporting programs to local primary schools and community groups. Students and staff will collaborate with relevant stakeholders to deliver high quality and engaging sports sessions of these days.

Students will immerse themselves to promote sport, fitness, and general health through the implementation of programs specifically tailored for a wide range of participants. This provides an opportunity for students to excel in multiple learning environments as they develop a greater understanding and appreciation of diversity.

Through our applied industry-based learning approach, students learn to collaborate, and problem solve in different and sometimes challenging environments whilst acquiring the skills to support future educational and employment pathways.

Work Experience

Our students get a head start in their careers through our structured work experience program. Students gain an in-depth understanding of the duties they might be expected to perform in the workplace, and they will acquire the knowledge and attributes that prospective employers expect in their employees.

This hands-on learning experience occurs one day per week throughout the academic year and can take place in an industry of choice. Through real-life learning with local businesses and industry partners, students have the opportunity to explore career pathways and acquire transferable skills in real workplace settings.


MyPLAN is a digital portfolio that supports students to track their individual goals, achievements, experiences, and growth during their time at the College.

Development and monitoring of each student's MyPLAN portfolio is supported with timetabled MyPLAN sessions in class and regular MyPLAN meetings between teachers, caregivers, and students.

Underpinning MyPLAN are the Transferable Work Skills and Personal Habits, which have been identified as important attributes to succeed at the College and beyond. Through our unique teaching, learning and industry experiences, students are equipped with transferable skills that will help them entering the working world with confidence.

Timetable & Classrooms

At SEDA College, learning is not restricted to the classroom. It occurs in genuine workplace and community settings in collaboration with teachers and industry professionals.

Students attend the college full time completing a timetable that will look similar to the one shown below.

Session Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Work Experience
Community Work Day / Work Experience
Work Experience
Community Work Day / Work Experience
Work Experience
Community Work Day / Work Experience
Private Study
Orientation Week

During week 1 of the school year, students participate in the College’s Orientation Week where they commence the development of their MyPLAN portfolio, meet fellow students and College staff as well as engage in swimming assessments, sport and recreation activities, learn from guest speakers, and meet industry partners. Caregivers will meet with their child’s teacher at MyPLAN meetings during this period.

Workplace Readiness Program

For the first week of Term 1, students participate in a workplace readiness program to assist them in the development of their MyPLAN, identifying work experience opportunities, as well as attaining skills and knowledge required to work safely in the workplace and other environments.


To maximise student learning and deliver industry-based experiences, learning environments are located at community sport, recreation, and community facilities in the Mindil Beach area as well as other surrounding suburbs. Students are expected to coordinate their own travel arrangements, including public and private transport, to access the required venues throughout the week. All SEDA College students have access to an NTG school bus that transports from Palmerston to SEDA venues in the morning and afternoon.

One of my favourite elements of the structure at Seda, is having the same teacher.

— 2023 SEDA College NT Caregiver via Semester 2 Caregiver Survey