Jatbula Trail Walk

Camps Friday, 06 Sept 2024

Jatbula Trail Walk

Last week (27th Aug – 1st Sept), 8 incredible student leaders and 3 dedicated staff (Gilly, Billie and Georgia) from SEDA College NT took on the challenge of the 62 km Jatbula Trail—and what an adventure it was!

The trek was broken down over five days of hiking:

- Day 1: 8 km

- Day 2: 11 km

- Day 3: 10 km

- Day 4: 18 km

- Day 5: 17 km

We were fortunate enough to witness breathtaking scenery, including stunning waterfalls and huge escarpments that are only accessible to those on the Jatbula Trail or via helicopter. The resilience, camaraderie, teamwork, and strong connections built between the students and staff were truly inspiring.

All hikers had to carry their own food, shelter, bedding, clothes, and other essentials for the week, making it a true test of endurance. Each night, we filled up water at camp and treated it with AquaTabs to ensure it was safe to drink.

Unfortunately, on the final morning before the last 16 km leg, two students and a staff member had to be helicoptered out from Sandy Camp due to illness. While it was disappointing for them not to complete the journey, the care and support shown by the group were heartwarming and a true testament to the community spirit we’ve built at SEDA.

It was an incredible experience that tested everyone’s mental and physical limits. I feel honoured to have completed this challenge alongside such an amazing group of people.